Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wildlife Update

This morning I was drinking my coffee, reading news accounts on my iPad, and gazing out the window when I heard a lot of "whoo-who, whoo-who."  As loud as it was I thought there might be an owl on the back porch or on the roof somewhere.  That would be very cool!  It was in the 20's so I just looked out the windows and saw nothing.  I sat back down and then a dove started flapping at various windows. I looked out again and saw two doves riding the porch ceiling fans!

I was very disappointed that it was doves that I heard!  This couple rode the blades around and around as the wind moved them.  I kept thinking, "I hope they have the good sense not to build a nest there!"  "Good sense" is the key since I think doves are about the dumbest birds ever.  But after sitting on the blades and flapping around at the windows most of the morning, they moved on.

I have seen this before but never so dramatically.,.. All of the cows were grazing in the pasture and a couple of the moms were laying down to the side with all of the babies who seemed to be napping. Suddenly a coyote came trotting into the pasture.  All of the cows looked up.  The coyote trotted toward the group of babies.  Lead by one of the bulls, the cows stampeded toward the "nursery" heads lowered and ready for a fight.  The coyote made a detour away from the group but circled right back around to test their resolve.  All of the cows lowered their heads again as they ran right at the coyote who at that moment decided a meal from a different location might be a good choice and ran for the woods. Once the hunter was gone, the cows continued their grazing.

I am not seeing the deer like I had been in December and January.  Our deer feeder needs a new battery and we haven't gotten in gear to replace it yet.  But what I am seeing is 3 or 4 bucks grazing together as a group.  They still have their antlers and seem to be moving and eating together.  The mamas and youngsters continue to move through the yard and pasture also. I just am not seeing them as often as before.  Can't wait to see the new fawns in early summer!

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