Thursday, February 5, 2015


A year or so ago, Peg and I planted close to 100 acorns.  The squirrels probably got all of them.  As an alternate plan, I planted 25-30 acorns in a small fenced protected cage.  All this has been documented previously.  Prior to our move, we brought all the survivors to the farm and enclosed them in a small protected meshed area.  Recently we moved these "babies" up to the house where I could keep an eye on them as we move toward summer.

In addition, we received a generous Christmas gift of money to buy a tree.  So a couple weekends ago, we headed to Bastrop and the Hope Valley Tree Farm.  Here is the new addition we chose:
This shummard red oak is gorgeous!  It is a lot bigger than our "babies".  We also picked out three other trees.  We picked the spots in our budding landscape for them to go and today all were planted.

But what of the "babies"?

  Here they are in readiness for some attention.

Burr Oak

A couple burr oak acorns that will soon be planted.  It seems the burr oaks we planted did the best but we have some red oak and live oak babies too.
The level of responsibility just jumped several fold!  New trees and growing babies needing our attention so they can become a permanent part of our landscape.

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