Thursday, July 6, 2023

Bad News

 They came by to make the second cutting of hay and said there wasn't enough to bale!  This is not good news!!!  We need about 90 bales to get us through the winter.  Right now we have 28, Peg ordered 15 more from a guy, and will probably order more when she sees what happens as we go through the summer.  We could get a cutting at the end of the summer but without rain, the chances are slim.

The barn and cliff swallows have finished nesting and now they are all just hanging out getting ready to migrate south.  That usually happens at the end of July and early August.  One day they are all sitting around on the porch and the next day they are gone.  The news with that is we can't clean the birdy poop off of everything until they leave.  It's kind of nasty...

The armadillos are driving me and the dogs nuts!  Brazen digging and rooting around the yard is totally out of control!  They even change holes in the middle of the day to set up for more digging and rooting in the evening!! The answer is to kill them but I can't do that.  I've put out powders, etc. to no avail.  I've chased them on foot and in the buggy; no luck!  I love seeing all the different critters we have out here but the dillos are not welcome.

We had some relief from the 100 degree temps this week but beginning Saturday we're back up over 100.  I'm dancing for rain or a hurricane that brings rain!  

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