Thursday, April 7, 2016

Catch Up

Need to go back and do some catching up from the last couple months.  So...

Peg has wanted to start a pecan tree grove.  So for her birthday Jonnie, Jim, and I provided funds for the first two trees in her grove.  These pictures were taken in February and since then they have leafed out.

Peg has also searched and searched for wild plum trees.  Finally she ordered six little baby bare root trees that we have planted on the north side of house.  No leaves yet but we have our fingers crossed.

And then there is The Castle...  I received it as a Christmas present back in 2014.  Peg bought it for me as the sales person said it would only take half a day to put together.  We worked on it for close to 20 hours.  Finally we quit because we were arguing whenever we sat down to work on it.  I should have known we were in trouble when the bag of screws, nuts, washers, etc. filled up a large cereal bowl. Before Thanksgiving we called a friend who came and got it to put, what we referred to as "the nightmare" together.  He called a week or so ago and said he thought it was "as good as it was going to get" and set it up.  There were several challenges associated with the set up.  He repeated several times under his breath, "and the nightmare continues!"  We missed the March return of the Purple Martins this year because of the late date of set up.  There have been a couple mama and daddy martins by to check it out, but no renters. Maybe next year...

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