Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Deer Activity

The deer activity has really increased.  I don't have any pictures as the game cams have not been installed yet.  I did want to let everyone know that since filling the feeder, we have all kinds of deer showing up.  I am seeing four to five bucks of varying sizes at least once a day at the deer feeder. There is also a group of four to six doe visiting for a snack.  Along the new fence line by the cattle guard, I am seeing a couple of mama deer with their fawns every evening.  The fawns can't be a foot tall at this point. The fawns are darling but this group is very nervous so it's difficult sometimes to focus on them before they run off.  Hopefully we'll have some pictures soon!

We have had the game cams up, but no decent deer pictures.  We think the heat is taking its toll on the batteries.  So set everything up again today with new batteries and cards.  Keep your fingers crossed that we finally get some shots!

Finally bit the bullet and bought a new game cam.  Check out the pictures above!

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