Sunday, July 26, 2015

Naughty Cows

Yesterday we set up the game cams.  This morning we went down to fetch the cards to see if all was working correctly.  The camera by the cattle guard is doing a poor job recording activity.  We are not sure what the problem is.  Then we headed down to the deer feeder and found one of the panels pushed in and a post broken off at the ground.  There was a lot of cow activity recorded around feeder.

You can see the a bit of cow and the panel pushed in.  My favorite baby is there viewing the damage!

So we have made the repairs and reset the camera.  Hopefully the cows/calves have had their fun and have expressed their unhappiness with the panels and this is the end.  Unfortunately, I am not too optimistic!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Deer Activity

The deer activity has really increased.  I don't have any pictures as the game cams have not been installed yet.  I did want to let everyone know that since filling the feeder, we have all kinds of deer showing up.  I am seeing four to five bucks of varying sizes at least once a day at the deer feeder. There is also a group of four to six doe visiting for a snack.  Along the new fence line by the cattle guard, I am seeing a couple of mama deer with their fawns every evening.  The fawns can't be a foot tall at this point. The fawns are darling but this group is very nervous so it's difficult sometimes to focus on them before they run off.  Hopefully we'll have some pictures soon!

We have had the game cams up, but no decent deer pictures.  We think the heat is taking its toll on the batteries.  So set everything up again today with new batteries and cards.  Keep your fingers crossed that we finally get some shots!

Finally bit the bullet and bought a new game cam.  Check out the pictures above!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hog Panels

Wondering what hog panels are?  I didn't know either until we bought and installed some around the deer feeder.  Basically they are just panels of wire about 3-4 feet high and 16 feet long.  We were told to install some around the deer feeder to keep the cows away from it.  We had a couple of very naughty calves last year who kept reaching up into the wiring, etc. to pull off the mechanical parts of the feeder.  Eventually they broke it.  So this was a solution that was suggested.

We were told it was high enough that the heavy footed cows can't jump it, and the deer don't consider it an obstacle.  I saw the cows milling around in the area yesterday morning so I went down last evening to check to see if we sustained any damage.  So far, so good!  This morning and this evening we had deer munching on the "thrown out" corn.  That's a good sign all is well.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Keeping Busy And Other Pastimes

As the summer time heat increases, we continue to burn brush piles.  Makes sense right?  Of course it doesn't but we continue the process.  We are also thinking ahead to the cooler season of fall and have added a protein feeder and repaired the old deer feeder.

Peg mowed down the grasses and weeds so the deer can see the corn and protein pellets.  It is still early and there is lots of great natural food to eat, but we want to be ready for the viewing opportunities when they happen.

As Peg was mowing, she came across a couple of giant holes that some kind of critter dug.

Both holes were about the same size and were discovered beneath the grasses and weeds she cut. They are a mystery and I am hoping she will set up game cams to see who lives in them.  I'll try to keep you posted on the results.

Below is the mowed site of our corn field.  Our plan is to begin getting it ready for planting season 2016.  Now that I know the realities of this venture, I am adopting a farmer's pessimism and fatalism.

We just staked the location of what is slated to be the new blueberry section of the garden.  If the critters liked the sweet corn, I can only imagine what their reaction to sweet and delicious blueberries will be!!! We have to build a compound or the destruction (and our disappointment) will be monumental!

I continue my fascination with the baby cows.  Last week one of the mamas had her new baby.  I think she is the last one in the herd to have a baby for this year.  What a pretty little guy he is too!  I am questioning my carnivore lifestyle.  I just love these little critters!

My gosh he's cute!