Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Round Up

There were no cowboys on horses, just the power of ATVs, a truck, and a cow-dog.  We knew it was going to happen; we were unsure when it was going to happen.  After Mike and company got kicked off the Hunt Pasture, we ended up with all those extra cows.  The problem was there were too many for our little plot. So last evening the round up began:

The cows had figured out what was going to happen before hand and headed toward the woods to hide.  However, in short order, they got flushed out into the pasture.

From my vantage point, it looked like there were some mighty fast thrills and chills in those ATVs as they drove the cows toward the pens.

Bringing up the rear, was the faithful cow dog!  How much help that little guy was is debatable.  But I know he was having a blast!

Just when you think everything is going your way, one mama peels off from the group.  She's been through this routine before and wants no part of it!

"Ah, let's give these 21st Century cowboys a thumb in the eye!  I'll make them think they are in control, then spring my surprise!"

"I'll just jump into the tank and loose them.  In the olden days, a real cowboy on a real horse would have followed me into the water!"

"Now that I've humiliated them and shown them their limitations, I'll head back to the woods to hang out until they are gone."
And that is precisely what she did!

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