Here is Jinxie enjoying Peg's new Lazy Girl chair. She spends several hours every evening listening to TV and relaxing.
Aggie hangs out in a cat basket. It is unusual to find her here during the warm months, but sometimes she likes to crawl in for some wrap-around comfort.
No one will ever find Aggie here! If she can't see you, you can't see her!
Beulah continues to challenge the the limits of the sleeping arrangements. I have found her on every piece of furniture in the house. She is getting wise enough to jump off when she hears me coming!
Perhaps the most challenging issue I have been dealing with is the dogs running off. Here Beulah is planning her next escape. On her last adventure, she disappeared for about an hour and returned with a hind quarter of a large deer. Not acceptable! (You can see she is pretty pleased with herself!)
Another issue: the sun goes down and every shadow and cricket/insect noise gets barked and howled at. The barking will go on and on. I have gotten up in the middle of the night to find one or both dogs sitting in the doggie confinement area just barking for the sake of barking. I am not pleased to say the least! Other nights, both dogs will sleep all night and not make a sound. Who knows what motivates their behavior! Now I am not totally out of it. When the pack of coyotes comes running through the pasture howling and yapping, that's a good barking/howling opportunity. If I was a dog, I would bark too!
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