Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just Another Saturday

We got caught in some construction in downtown Dallas on our way to the farm.  Between 6-7 AM we moved maybe 100 feet.  It threw the dogs all off as they have the trip pretty well timed with a potty break at the Loop in Temple.  So we ended up stopping in West at Slovaceks.  Wow, not only was the doggie potty area nice but so was the human's!
After arriving, we loaded the deer feeder.  The weeds were something else and the dogs were not happy with the reduced visibility.  They stayed close so they knew where we were.

If you look at Beulah's brow, you can see how stressful she thinks it is.  We need to get in and shred these weeds!

Then we headed up to the house...

 View from pasture during our walk
Another view from the pasture

The roof is on and the exterior has a coat of paint.  Yeah!  
Then we headed to the front gate to brush cut the weeds there.  What a miserable job!  A job that should have taken a few minutes with the right equipment, took an hour and a half! 

After a quick lunch, we headed out for a walk with the dogs to the tank.  Rooster ran way out in front to do some swimming before we got there.  Beulah was more interested in the smells and participating in the leisurely walk with her humans.  Once there, she found a soft spot in the grass to rest and enjoy the sunshine.

A fairly nice day overall, though windy.  In theory, we have our big inspection on Monday.  If all is well, the insulation and sheet rock will be installed the following week. 

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