Thursday, February 27, 2025

Vet Visit

Our Vet made a Ranch Call to give the babies their first round of baby shots, attach ear tags, and do "brain surgeries" on the bulls.  We ran Fria thru the chute without a hitch.  She got her ear tag and first round of shots.  Jesus was next.  He started jumping around like a wild man and got his head stuck in the cross bars!  We had to wait for him to un catch himself because we could really do nothing.  After a few minutes, he started jumping around again and freed himself just to get his head stuck again and one of his front legs!!!!  Now we were in a real pickle!!  Jesus just hung there....  We of course were unable to free him!!  I called our neighbor, a man, to see if he had any ideas and to come over.  By the time he arrived, Jesus had started jumping around again and managed to free his head and leg.  We had had enough and opened the side gate to get him out of the chute, tho he was captured so we could run him thru again later if we wanted to chance it!!!  The whole incident was a scary nightmare as he could have died because we couldn't free him.  BUT the worse did not happen, thankfully.  We had never had something like this happen with a baby in the chute.  We modified the width of the chute for the rest of the babies so we could finish.  WE even took a chance, sent Jesus thru again, and finished him up.  The whole process reminded us again how unpredictable cows/babies can be and to be ready for all the millions of weird things that can happen.

Our hay fields are to get sprayed with weed killer this week sometime.  We're opting for a less lethal weed killer up by the house because we're weening babies, etc. and need the pasture for them.  It will be interesting to see if it does the job good enough to have a good crop of hay.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Six More Weeks Of Winter

The groundhog popped out of his hole and didn't see his shadow, so six more weeks of winter.  No kidding!  Since making that prediction, we've been on a roller coaster of a day of semi warm weather followed by several days of cold weather.  Today it's cold and blustery and tomorrow, when we plan to work some cattle with the Vet, it's suppose to be equally as miserable!!!  We considered cancelling our appointment tomorrow but the next couple weeks look as bad or worse.  The bulls we need to castrate, will be even bigger and stronger if we wait.  We are not "Spring Chickens" anymore, so...

Peg is spending her time working and attending the grandkids' various sports games.  They are winning and loosing at an alarming rate!  I think it is reassuring for them to look out in the stands and see a familiar face or two which ever way the games go.

Peg, with me adding support, is cleaning out the garden boxes.  The asparagus she planted a couple years ago, seems to still be alive.  So she bought some more roots.  I will plant tomatoes and squash.  They really are the only things that seem to survive.  Oh don't get me wrong, everything goes belly up by the beginning or middle of June, but I can usually harvest a few crops in that short time period.  Even one or two home grown tomatoes can make for a great season!!!

With the colder weather we've had, the deer are hitting the deer feeder pretty hard.  I bet we saw ten or more this morning down there munching on the corn.  Also, there's not a lot of stuff for them to eat out in pastures and wooded areas.  Love seeing them!  With cold clear weather, we are also hearing the coyotes howling.  I like that also, BUT I don't like the dealing with the dogs.  

The farmers have their fields ready to plant...  Nice to experience that circle of life every year...