Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Happiest Time Of Year

 We received an early Christmas present yesterday.  We got word that we could place our mailbox on our side of the FM we live on.  Traffic speeds can exceed 60 miles per hour and include big rock haulers.  There have been days I've gone out to get the mail and felt like I just had a near death experience.  Also the big trucks seem to find it fun to jerk their steering wheels "just so" to whip their trailers into hitting the mailbox knocking it down.  I've had to look for the downed mailbox which ends up being 10-20 feet from where it is suppose to be.  I suspect the problems will continue but at least I'll be on our side of the road!

Speaking of Christmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful time and gets to enjoy loved ones!  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Finally, A Little Rain!

 I love the rain and I hate the rain.  I love all of the beneficial things it does for the land, the waterways, etc.. I hate the rain because of all the mud!  We've only gotten a few tenths so far during this forecasted rainy period and already we're living in the mud. We have muddy doggie feet, muddy people feet, muddy tires, muddy pants, mud, mud, and more mud.  I don't know what else I can say...

Red went to the Vet yesterday for her hoof problems.  She had foot rot and elf slippers.  Her feet were cleaned, trimmed, and an antibiotic was administered.  When we checked on her this morning, she was laying on a hay pile.  I think she is probably still hurting some.

Some of our Red Oak tree leaves are finally turning red.  The weather has been so warm until recently, that we were seeing no color.  It is magnificent now!   Always strange here in Texas to have the leaves turning just as the Christmas lights are going up.  The two seasons just run together some years.

The crows were very loud and made a lot of ruckus this morning as they zeroed in on a hawk they found in the trees.  They chased it across the pastures, from tree clump to tree clump until they disappeared a couple properties to the south.  Crows do not like hawks or owls on their turf and make a big deal when they want them gone.  They'll do the same thing when they encounter a bobcat.  I wish they had been chasing a bobcat!!!

Our Thanksgiving was great.  The grand kids had a blast playing with each other and riding the Polaris and golf cart all over the pastures.  The cows just laid in the shade, chewing their cud, as they sped by.  

Finally, the coyotes have tuned up big time and the dogs are beside themselves barking at them.  A cool clear night means lots of noise!