Yes, the coyotes are back. We're starting to hear them yipping as they run through the pastures at night. We even have one young coyote that recently has been hanging out in the pasture up by the house. He'll show up mid-day and hunt mice in the grass. It's fun to watch him as he jumps high up in the air to pounce on his victim. BUT of course, there is an obvious downside! We have babies out there! The neighbors say he is showing up in their pasture too. The guy has little fear of humans and is becoming bolder. What is interesting is they have donkeys over there that are suppose to chase off critters to protect the babies they have. Unless this coyote makes some changes, he is not long in this world!!!
I put up the hummingbird feeders last week. It is so nice to reclaim that portion of the kitchen cabinet devoted to their stuff. The scissortail flycatchers have also pulled up stakes and have headed south. We're starting to get wintering hawks. Also the horned owls are showing up earlier in the evenings (because it's cooler) for their hunting activities. There have been many sightings but I've yet to hear them calling to each other, which I find so interesting.
Calfie had her baby who we named Fancy. Well, upon closer examination, Fancy is actually a Frank!!! Also, Blanca is fixing to domino anytime now. So far, Lance, our new bull, has sired nine bulls and only one heifer. Very strange to have it so one sided I think....
It's still very hot (90s) here in the afternoons, but with the low humidity, it cools off in the evenings quickly. The mornings are lovely. It's too dry and we need rain but none forecasted into the foreseeable future. This is my favorite time of year. Enjoy!