Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Happiest Time Of Year

 We received an early Christmas present yesterday.  We got word that we could place our mailbox on our side of the FM we live on.  Traffic speeds can exceed 60 miles per hour and include big rock haulers.  There have been days I've gone out to get the mail and felt like I just had a near death experience.  Also the big trucks seem to find it fun to jerk their steering wheels "just so" to whip their trailers into hitting the mailbox knocking it down.  I've had to look for the downed mailbox which ends up being 10-20 feet from where it is suppose to be.  I suspect the problems will continue but at least I'll be on our side of the road!

Speaking of Christmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful time and gets to enjoy loved ones!  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Finally, A Little Rain!

 I love the rain and I hate the rain.  I love all of the beneficial things it does for the land, the waterways, etc.. I hate the rain because of all the mud!  We've only gotten a few tenths so far during this forecasted rainy period and already we're living in the mud. We have muddy doggie feet, muddy people feet, muddy tires, muddy pants, mud, mud, and more mud.  I don't know what else I can say...

Red went to the Vet yesterday for her hoof problems.  She had foot rot and elf slippers.  Her feet were cleaned, trimmed, and an antibiotic was administered.  When we checked on her this morning, she was laying on a hay pile.  I think she is probably still hurting some.

Some of our Red Oak tree leaves are finally turning red.  The weather has been so warm until recently, that we were seeing no color.  It is magnificent now!   Always strange here in Texas to have the leaves turning just as the Christmas lights are going up.  The two seasons just run together some years.

The crows were very loud and made a lot of ruckus this morning as they zeroed in on a hawk they found in the trees.  They chased it across the pastures, from tree clump to tree clump until they disappeared a couple properties to the south.  Crows do not like hawks or owls on their turf and make a big deal when they want them gone.  They'll do the same thing when they encounter a bobcat.  I wish they had been chasing a bobcat!!!

Our Thanksgiving was great.  The grand kids had a blast playing with each other and riding the Polaris and golf cart all over the pastures.  The cows just laid in the shade, chewing their cud, as they sped by.  

Finally, the coyotes have tuned up big time and the dogs are beside themselves barking at them.  A cool clear night means lots of noise!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Beautiful Weather

 It was about 34 degrees this morning, no wind and sunny!  There was even some frost in places!  I love it!!  The cows, specifically the calves, are bouncy and full of "it."  

The Vet was by yesterday to give the second round of baby shots, do an ear tag and a brain surgery.  Peg had everyone coming and going perfectly so we actually had a little momentum and finish timely.  Red is now up with the teenagers because her back hooves look like elf slippers again.  It is painful to watch her walk.  She will see the Vet, in town, for a hoof trimming in a couple weeks.  I always hope for success.

The "troops" are showing up for Thanksgiving and we expect to feed multitudes.  It is getting harder to find the old materials for the old family recipes.  We made a trip down to Austin to pick up mincemeat and fruitcake fruit.  It was a vary expensive endeavor when it was all said and done.  The culture is changing and I've lived long enough to see it happen!!!  Eating turkey McNuggets and fries on Thanksgiving will be common in 10 years!!   

Bo has been on a diet for the last 5-6 months.  I'm happy to report she has the ever so slight beginning of a waistline.  I wish there was someone around who could throw a couple cups of diet kibble in a bowl for me on a consistent basis!!   

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 The summertime birds have left and the wintering birds are here.  It's cooler, the grass is browning up, acorns harvested including a bur oak acorn, and the coyotes are yelping as they run through the pastures at night. We've even gotten some measurable rain.  The deer are beginning to herd up with a couple of big bucks sighted!  What a great time of year!

We had a baby bull born on Benjamin's birthday so we named him Ben.  I never know if the namee is flattered or insulted.  Anyways, he's cute and full of bounce! He and Fancy are always together running from mama to mama at full speed.  The new adult members of the herd, Dawn and Showers, spend a lot of their time babysitting the two youngsters too. 

That coyote that was spending too much time up by our house and the neighbor's, kept getting bolder and bolder so she was killed.  It was a disaster waiting to happen...  On a happier note, with the cooler nights, the neighborhood coyotes are really howling up a storm.  Whether it's early evening or early morning, they're out and about.  Of course, the dogs are not happy about any of it!!  We can't have them out after dark or they become crazy barking fools.  

We are putting out hay as needed for the cows and we're opening up the big hayfield for short periods of grazing.  There is fear that the girls may eat some Johnson grass and become sick.  We've talked to everyone about the possibility of toxicity and get too many different answers, so we are being cautious. 

With the cooler weather, we need to gear up and do some ranch work that needs to be done.  It's more pleasant to ride around or sit enjoying the cool and nature.  Hopefully we'll get to the work.... 

Thursday, October 17, 2024


It is with much embarrassment that I announce that Frank, the baby calf, is really Fancy, the heifer!  I'll not go into the specifics of how we finally reached this determination but, let's say, it is definitive that she is a she!

The cold front finally came through and it was 46 degrees this morning.  I think we have a high of 77 today.  We had eight loads of dirt and gravel delivered yesterday.  This weekend it will be spread around in various locations where there have been washouts and low places.  I'm glad to get this done before winter and the rains set in.    



Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Coyotes Are Back

Yes, the coyotes are back.  We're starting to hear them yipping as they run through the pastures at night.  We even have one young coyote that recently has been hanging out in the pasture up by the house.  He'll show up mid-day and hunt mice in the grass.  It's fun to watch him as he jumps high up in the air to pounce on his victim.  BUT of course, there is an obvious downside!  We have babies out there!  The neighbors say he is showing up in their pasture too.  The guy has little fear of humans and is becoming bolder.  What is interesting is they have donkeys over there that are suppose to chase off critters to protect the babies they have.  Unless this coyote makes some changes, he is not long in this world!!!

I put up the hummingbird feeders last week.  It is so nice to reclaim that portion of the kitchen cabinet devoted to their stuff.  The scissortail flycatchers have also pulled up stakes and have headed south.  We're starting to get wintering hawks.  Also the horned owls are showing up earlier in the evenings (because it's cooler) for their hunting activities.  There have been many sightings but I've yet to hear them calling to each other, which I find so interesting.  

Calfie had her baby who we named Fancy.  Well, upon closer examination, Fancy is actually a Frank!!!  Also, Blanca is fixing to domino anytime now.  So far, Lance, our new bull, has sired nine bulls and only one heifer.  Very strange to have it so one sided I think....

It's still very hot (90s) here in the afternoons, but with the low humidity, it cools off in the evenings quickly.  The mornings are lovely.  It's too dry and we need rain but none forecasted into the foreseeable future.  This is my favorite time of year.  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hints Of Fall

The swallows headed south already and the hummingbirds and scissortails are enroute (passing through).  The cattle egrets are also "flocking up" to head out.  There are acorns on the red oaks, post oaks, and bur oaks.  I am determined to gather some of each if I can beat the squirrels who I noticed were out accessing the "crop" a couple days ago.  We had fall like temperatures last week but it's hot again this week.  We'll get there......

We are busy with daily chores and commitments.  Nothing happening on the horizon so, I guess, that's good.  Enjoy the cool days as they approach and settle in.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Swallows Are Gone!!!!

Yes, the swallows finally headed south!  They slowly started leaving around the 20th and were gone by the 23rd.  Peg spent three hours reclaiming the back porch.  It is pleasant to be out there once again.

Thanksgiving and Brillante got their Bangs vaccine and Blaze and Early became steers yesterday.  We plan on keeping the two heifers as replacements.  Showers, who has been growing up and was 16 months old was let into the big pasture with all the cows.  She and Dawn found each other quickly and are the two lowest ranking members of the herd.  It's always good to find your equal so you can complain together. Tho the temps were in the 70s early, the humidity was at least 90 percent.  We were dripping in sweat, but the job is done.

Plan to ween Rojo, Red's baby, and March, Tara's baby, this weekend.  Red has been loosing weight and needs relief from nursing.  Peg's old boss from Italy is coming this weekend to have a "ranch experience."  Hope he is not disappointed. 

Saw a burr oak acorn on one of my trees yesterday.  It's too immature to pick but I'll keep an eye on it so maybe I can plant it.  The squirrels were nowhere in sight, so I have a chance! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

It's Hot!!!!

Big surprise, it's hot and it's summer!  We really have had a fairly "mild" summer by all accounts.  A couple 100 degree days in June and that's been it.  But our good fortune couldn't last...  The last week and forecasted into next week are to be 100 degrees plus.  It's tough on the cows and the humans.  We are back in the house by 10:00 AM after feeding, watering, etc.  The cows have no relief.  I am starting to really think about fall...

Since last posting, we had another little bull, Early.  That means Lance, our bull, has "created" six bulls and only one heifer this year.  I was noticing that the neighbors just had three calves born in the last couple months and they are all bulls too.  Maybe there's something in the water...  The Vet comes on the 23rd and will make our group of bulls all steers.  She will also give the Bangs vaccine to the two heifers we plan to keep, Thanksgiving and Brillante.  

I am pretty miffed that the swallows have not left yet!  The porch, furniture, etc. are covered in poop.  Our grill is right there too so grilling is not pleasant!  All I can say is we are getting closer to the time when the swallows leave and head south!

Tension is building for the Texas A&M versus Notre Dame football game August 31.  I could care less other than everyone around me is happier whenever A&M wins. In my opinion, college football has been  ruined with the compensation of the players.  There is no team loyalty, etc. anymore.  Very sad!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Have Confirmation

 About a month ago, I called Peg into the living room because I was watching a mama deer with three babies.  Of course, she missed out on seeing them at that time.  Finally, one evening last week, Peg was able to see that there were indeed three babies.  When I checked with our neighbors a couple days, they said they had seen the mama with the triplets and that they bedded down in the woods near them.  Yeah!!! Triplets are a first for us.  We've seen lots of deer with twins, but triplets are a first!!!  I will say they are about half the size of a regular fawn at this time of year.  I worry that their mama will have trouble keeping everyone fed.  So far, so good!!

Raquel had a little bull a couple days ago.  He's a cutie and we've named him Blaze.  Now we are waiting on Rosie.  She looks like she is going to pop, so it'll be anytime now.  Lance's first progeny are being weened.  They and their mamas are pretty noisy.  The neighbor texted me asking if there was a problem over here because they were making so much noise.  We're into day four and things have quieted down.  It's always pretty tough on "everybody" going through this process.

We've gotten 2.9 inches of rain in the last 4-5 days and we're suppose to get more.  It's in the eighties and everything is green!!!  Strange July weather!  Farmers are worried about corn still out in the fields!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Summertime Cool Front

We had a cool front move through early this morning and the temps outside right now are glorious!!  Of course the line of showers that came through with it occurred as we were loading up a couple calves to go to the auction barn.  We're not made of sugar so we didn't melt but it made loading more interesting.

It will be a few more days before the swallows head south.  I'll not gross you out telling you how horrible the back porch is...

We only got a little wind with Beryl but large areas of Houston are still without electricity!  This is a government competency issue.  Once again, the government let down those who they are elected to protect and serve!!!

The farmers just started to harvest the corn.  For the next two to three weeks we will be encountering the big trucks and large farm equipment on the roads.  The good news is, as the corn is harvested, we'll have good views of the roads around curves and corners. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Summertime Blues

The Little Bluestem Doggie Kennel and Spa has been booked solid since the end of May.  I'd like to say we're making a killing on fees and tips.  If such things are counted in kisses and tail wags, we ARE getting rich!!! The heifers up by the house are becoming tolerant of the barking, but I'm not fond of it because the barking blasts into the tranquillity of our morning quiet.  The birds even stop singing....

I lost the battle with the swallows and the porch is a mess.  The good news is we are days away from them migrating south.  How many days?  Who knows, but that's how I'm viewing it!!!

The baby hummers made their way to the feeder and it was great to see the little guys make their landings and find the portals of "juice."  

We got our second cutting of hay so we should be all set for winter feedings.  The cows left their shaded areas to watch the process.  They know it's all for them....

Peg is on cruise to Alaska and is briefly escaping the heat.  It'll be waiting for her when she returns!  I spend my days doing farm related chores (before 10:00) and trying to keep up with the political mess this country has created.  Both are fun and never ending...

Today I am waiting to see where hurricane Beryl is headed.  It may be a weather maker here.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Summer's Beginnings

 It appears that summer has started.  We're experiencing heat indexes over 105.  It seems to be a combo of heated air and dew points.  The humidity is high because of all the rain we've gotten.  Bell Milam Falls water district has dropped all watering restrictions.  The lakes, rivers, ponds, etc. are all full.  Yeah... tho the down side is every bug is procreating as fast as it can.  With the ponds full, the frogs and toads are multiplying too, so maybe they'll start eating the bugs.

Vivian had her baby a week ago but the little guy didn't make it.  The Vet says it was probably a combo of the heat and humidity.  It is very sad as we were just getting to know the little guy, Paws.  Vivian is heartbroken and has been walking around crying.

The swallows have not given up on their nest making.  I continue to knock nests down.  One nest I missed, I can see 7 baby heads hanging over the lip of the nest.  Could be families are merging because of my nest activities. The purple martin families are well established and their cheerful calls make for happy early mornings. 

I hope to see the baby hummers come in to the feeder for the first time soon.  I love watching their debuts. They make Peanut's Woodstock look like a great flyer!

Friends have been giving us fresh produce.  It is wonderful but it's hard to deal with the surplus.  I wish we had gotten our garden going this year.  

It's been six months since my new years resolution to get pictures back on the blog.  So far I've done nothing!!


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Birds, Snakes, Armadillos, Storms, Mud, Bugs, Etc.

 Ah spring with all its new life and daily challenges!  We've had over 7 inches of rain in the last two weeks.  It's come in 2-3 inches at a time which results in runoff and mud.  We have pools of water which are breeding the biggest hungry mosquitoes we've seen since before the drought.  Not pleasant to be outside!!!!  With the ground wet, the armadillos and snakes are on the prowl and digging everywhere.  We watched a rat snake try to catch a bird the other day.  The bird survived the hunt!

Speaking of birds, the purple martins returned a week or so ago.  It looks like 4-6 couples moved into the martin house.  I'm surprised as we were unable to make the yearly repairs.  It truly is a slum property!  The hummers are eating me out of house and home and the swallows can't build their nests fast enough.  I had been knocking down 6-8 nests every 2-3 days.  Now I'm knocking down only 2-3 every couple of days.  I'm hoping that they will give up and we can have the back porch for ourselves and not as a nursery for their babies.  Not to be outdone, there's a mockingbird couple that has built a nest in one of the baby live oaks.  To get under my skin, the daddy mockingbird sings all night long.  He also sings all day long!  I have enough trouble sleeping, so the continuous limited repertoire of songs really is aggravating!  

Raquel finally went to the vet to have her feet checked out as her limping was horrible.  She stayed a few days at the vet and now is back.  I can't see much improvement in her gait but hope she will mend in time.  Calfie and Red also went to the vet to have their elf hooves trimmed.  No one is sure what causes this condition.  It would be an interesting investigation to figure out this problem.

The hay fields look great and if the rain continues after the first cutting, we may get that second elusive cutting.  The local water district has lifted the water restrictions so I'll be able to water baby trees if I need to this summer.  I think I've said we've lost about 20% of the trees we planted due to the drought.  

More storms are due in this afternoon and evening.  Knock-on-wood, we are spared any sever weather!!!  We'll take the good stuff.....


Thursday, April 11, 2024

RIP Maude

Despite our best efforts, Maude didn't survive!!  We miss her and know she is in heaven making all the creatures there smile.  

Finally we've had a little rain.  Two inches of the wet stuff fell earlier this week.  We managed to not be in the hail path so avoided the baseball size hail stones!!!  The hay pastures and the big pasture were fertilized a few days prior to the storms so we may benefit big time.  

Our niece and her husband visited from Baltimore to view the eclipse.  It was pretty cloudy as the moon progressed toward totality.  Then about two or three minutes before totality, the sky opened up and we had a wonderful view of the total eclipse (over two minutes long) with its ring of fire and diamond.  Also during totality, a star was in view.  Come to find out it wasn't a star but a comet!!!  A minute or two after totality the clouds returned.  The "darkness" was interesting tho all we noticed was a flock of birds fly over looking for a roust.  I've seen several partial eclipses but this was my first total eclipse.  The whole experience was very very cool!!!!  

Thursday, March 14, 2024


One of our favorite cows, Maude, has been sick.  She normally is the "happy go lucky" girl who trotted to the feeding troughs, ears flapping, with a big "smile" on her face.  About a month ago our happy girl was slow to walk, not interested in eating, and had some very awful secretions.  The Vet was called and she was sent to the large animal clinic.  Diagnosis, oak tree toxicity probably from eating acorns.  That seemed dubious as no one else was in similar condition.  Cows move around eating together and when one finds something yummy, the rest are quick to be there to enjoy it.  Anyways after a couple weeks at the clinic (where her calf was born and died), she came back to the farm.  The Vet orders were to keep her away from Lance, the bull, and out of the pasture with the oak trees for at least 60 days.  She continued to decline under our care so the Vet was called out again and after a round of probiotics, antibiotics, and steroids, she seemed markedly better this morning.  I saw the trot, flappy ears, and smile when she showed up for breakfast this morning.  We are hopeful that Maude has turned a corner and is on the mend!

Friday, a week from now, we have annual vaccinations.  This is always a tense time for us as all the cows know what we are doing as we try to entice the herd up to the chute area for their shots.  We understand why they don't like being held in the chute as they get stuck a couple times, but its the only way we can accomplish our goal safely.  Also we will separate One-Two and Summer from their mamas so they can be weaned.  I can hear the unhappiness already...  At this time Dawn will rejoin the herd permanently.  She is Big Mama's baby born in November 2022.  She is also the daughter of Valentino.  Dawn is our first replacement heifer from our herd.  In theory, she will live out her life having babies here with us.

I got buzzed by my first Hummingbird a couple days ago so have put the feeder out for another year.  I haven't seen the Purple Martins yet this year.  I figure they think our housing situation is so bad, they probably will not show.  The barn swallows are back and trying to rebuild last years nests.  I am trying to remain vigilant knocking down their nests built on the back porch.  We'll see how I fair...

The farmers have seeded the fields with corn and the work has begun on getting the hay fields in shape.  It's the same sequence every year...

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Recent Happenings

We had frigid temperatures with lots of sunshine and that was followed by gray skies and over 4 inches of rain as January came to a close!  Hard to complain as we needed both: one to kill the bugs and the other to help relieve the drought. I'm just happy we didn't get both at the same time!!!

This week we had our first two calves sired by Lance O Lot born: a bull, Junior, and a heifer, June Bug.  I wanted to celebrate firsts with the names.  Lance doesn't seem particularly interested in either of his first two progeny which is typical.   

That's about all that's going on.... 

Thursday, January 4, 2024


I hate New Years resolutions because when I fail to achieve them, I feel really crummy about myself.  I have one this year.  My goal is to figure out how to get my pictures off my camera and back on to this blog!   It is a mighty task!  The reason I have decided to follow through is we received a four volume print version set of the blog since its beginning, 2010 thru 2023, for Christmas.  What makes the books so interesting is not the poor grammar of my narratives, but the abundance of pictures.  So....

Our holidays can be characterized by lots of food and goodies punctuated by lots of family, grandkids, dogs, and babysitting.  The cows tolerated the barking doodles and the many trips in the buggy, The Beast, and Polaris.  Normally the cows are fed when we are driving around in one of the vehicles.  So having all the motor activity without feedings was very disappointing.  We have a couple cows that do not hold back their vocal disapproval. 

We are still picking up tree limbs from last years ice storm.  We had some help from Ben and Bekah which was much appreciated!!!  Now we need to do some burning!

It's been about six weeks without a calf birth which indicates the end of Valentino's reign and the beginning of Lance-O-Lot's reign.  Lance still is young and acts like a teenager most of the time.  However, I have seen him step up and assume his role as "bull-in-charge."  I'm hopeful that we'll see babies in the next month or so.