Allie passed away this past week. A very sad set of factors set in motion her passing. She was known as "The Big Dog" because she acted like any big happy dog whenever "her people" were around. We will really miss her and her sparkle! RIP Allie!!!!
The squirrels found all the acorns, including my big bur oak acorns, and robbed me blind. We went many years without them doing any harvesting of the acorns on the trees by the house. They are being sighted every day now harvesting.
A deer was hit by a truck over the weekend and landed fairly close to our front gate but not on our property. The vultures, for some reason are taking their sweet time eating it. The stink is awful!! I have thought about moving it somewhere but couldn't come up with a place far enough away and I'd have to touch it to do it. Nope, I'm not moving or touching it!!! I'm hoping the cold weather coming in will help some with the stink.
We have bought a Can Am to assist with our ranch work. The two golf cart buggies went belly up at the same time and one was not worth fixing. The other one, we fixed so we'd have a backup and the kids would have something else to drive. We call this four-six seater "The Beast." It is huge. Peg had to have something big enough for the dogs so they can ride around with us. Now they have the backseat and we had at least $5000 more in cost for their benefit.
We did not get the second hay cutting... Have released the cows into the 18 acres to eat what's there. The rains came too late and the warm weather abated. Guess we can look forward to next year...
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!