We're about at the end of June and we're suffering with 100+ degree days. The mornings are pleasant at 76-80 degrees. Looking ahead, these temps will continue into next week then back off into the high to mid 90s. With these temperatures, rain needs to fall to save any chances of a second cutting of hay. We are desperate for it at this point since we've had only a tenth or two all of this month.
The heifers got their bangs vaccinations and tattoos so we'll probably keep two and the others will be sold. Raquel and Brownie haven't had their babies yet and it is doubtful they will anytime soon.
The hummers are downing a liter of juice every two and a half days. I'm amazed such little creatures can consume so much. On the other hand, I'm probably the only person within miles feeding them!
The birds are going after what is left of the tomatoes. I picked over twenty on Sunday that were starting to turn red. The rest I left to give them some more time. It may be a lost cause at this point...
Gran kids over for some summer games. They are ruthless and card sharks at this point. There is no mercy shown toward their elders!!!
That's about it from here. We are healthy, cool if in the AC, and drinking plenty of water. We are dancing for significant rains and looking eagerly towards the fall!