Thursday, September 29, 2022


Finally we are experiencing some real lasting relief from the summer's heat!  Morning temperatures are in the low sixties and afternoons are in the high 80s to low 90s.  The humidity is low also which makes being outside pleasant.

The Vet comes Saturday morning to give everyone their "pour-on" treatment.  The heifers will get their bangs vaccinations and the babies, from May, will get their baby shots.  We have everyone, except the bull, up in the pasture by the house to facilitate the Vet doings.  This morning I was watching Brownie, who had Fred and Ethel last spring, enjoy some time together.  She was licking them and "pressing the flesh."  (Fred and Ethel were separated from her back in August to get weened.)  So she was enjoying time with both and they were happy to be with her.  BUT what is funny is she looked at me and started mooing and mooing as if to say, "thank you for letting us be together and aren't they the cutest?"  I am still so impressed with her mothering skills!

Have all the grandkids here this weekend.  I think they'll have a great time riding around and playing outside as the weather will be tolerable.  

The hummers are still passing through, tho I only see one or two per day.  They drop in for a quick drink, then move on...  I have also seen a flock of ducks fly by.  Hope to see the sandhill cranes soon, as they are my favorites.  I'm surprised the scissor-tailed flycatchers are still around.  Hopefully they'll move on soon. 

We are hoping for more rain and there is some worry about grass fires.  

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Update On All Things At The Ranch

 Still no photos...

The really big news here is we've gotten some rain!!!!  In the last two days, we've had about three inches of the wonderful stuff.  We also received about an inch a week or so ago.  So the grass is starting to green up again, the tank has filled up about eight inches, and the temperatures have moderated to 85-95 degrees.  The dust has settled and mud is every where.  BUT we'll take it!!!

We will start feeding the mamas in the evenings again in anticipation of birthing babies which may begin in early October.  This change in feeding times will no doubt cause some confusion.  They'll catch on and there will be NO no shows at feeding time.

The second set of twins has been moved into the pasture by the house to start their weening process.  Both Fred and Ethel have been very vocal about being separated from their mom, Brownie.  Brownie has been front and center reassuring them along the fence line.  I have to say her mothering skills have been fantastic raising these two calves.