Thursday, May 26, 2022

Finally ... Red Had Her Baby!!!!

 As we scanned the pasture, we could see that Red had given birth, but we were looking at the baby to her right and a little behind her.  When we arrived, we followed her nose to the baby hidden in the grass.  Naturally we thought she had had twins.  As time passed and we didn't see the second baby day after day, we went back to the pictures we had in our phones and realized Hershey was "photo bombing" the pictures.  Apparently Red was babysitting Hershey for Raquel.  To date, Lucky, is doing well and often naps near Hershey.

So the count on calves with this years' birthing are 14.  All the mamas have given birth successfully and Valentino has been doing his job as nature warrants.  

Calfie has been to the Vet to get her hooves trimmed and repaired.  She was suffering with claw-foot.  Her back hooves looked like she was wearing elf slippers.  She is walking better and appears to be in less pain.  Hopefully after her next Vet visit, she'll be allowed to return to the herd.

We had our first cutting of hay and got a total of 81 bales.  Not as good as last year, but given the dry conditions, we'll take it.   

Summer is settling in and most days are now hot.  The snakes are out and the birds are raising their young.  Baby hummers have made their way to the hummingbird feeder for the first time.  After a little fumbling and tumbling in their landings, each appeared to "fill up."  I always feel lucky when I am watching when this yearly event occurs!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Good News

Lots of good news...  Brownie and her babies, Fred and Ethel, are doing nicely.  The twins have their own pace and move their day a little behind everyone else.  BUT they have made it, which was a question at the back of our minds.  They stick to each other like glue, so if you see one, the other is close by.

 Also Raquel decided she had gone long enough without giving birth.  Hershey, a boy, arrived yesterday morning.  He managed to elude the Vet's sonogram by hiding behind Raquel's bladder.  He is doing well.

You have to think Raquel has one heck of a large bladder!

Last years heifers are heading to auction on Friday for Saturday's sale.  WE are hopeful for lots of buyers, high bids, and much success!

The generator has been installed.  In theory we are ready for a disaster! 

The crops are in the ground and we are seeing tomatoes, green peppers, radishes, etc.  So far the raccoons are in just their planning meetings for their yearly corn harvest.  Peg, the optimist, is looking forward to her own harvest.

Peg has started picking wild blackberries.  If she can beat the deer, we might get a cobbler out of her work.  BUT, took this picture down at the tank yesterday and saw two other snakes latter in the afternoon.  I think all were rat snakes, but the "bad" ones are out there.  Peg needs to be wearing her snake boots!!!

Sorry to report I have no storm pictures as promised....