Thursday, December 8, 2022

Babies And More

Rosie led the mamas off with the first birthing in this birthing season.  Little Billy (Billy Goat) is living up to his name and plays King of the Mountain whenever he's around a small hill of hay.  Scoop came next and is Allie's baby.  She was so named because of the three little white scoops that are on her forehead.  She is a lot like her mother and in everyone's business!  Blanca had a boy named Spot because he has one white spot on his face.  Calfie's little girl is Cheeky because of the two white spots on either cheek.  Tara finishes out the new moms with a little boy called Ryan because he shares human Ryan's birthday.  As is typical, each have their own personalities and cute antics, which are fun to watch as they follow their mamas around the pasture.  The Vet comes tomorrow morning to perform the three "brain surgeries" and help with ID ear tags.  By doing this first group, we are making the time working shorter and it'll be easier identifying the next group when they arrive.

The long awaited driveway repairs have been made.  Hopefully we'll have fewer potholes and less mud.  

Even though we purchased 30 additional bales of hay several months ago, we probably will not have enough to get us through the winter.  The debate has begun about what to do next.  If we have a mild winter and early spring those seasonal grasses may save us...

Hope your Holidays are wonderful!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Saying Goodbye and Hello

We said goodbye to Fred and Ethel last week.  It was tough!  They brought us a lot of smiles and worries while they were here.  

On a happy note, we said hello to two new babies!  Both are doing well and their mamas are doing a great job caring for them.  Rosie has the honor of being the first to give birth: Billy is a bull.  

Our weather has been a mess.  We went from 80 degree days to 40 degrees in a matter of minutes!  There was no slowing down for fall; we zipped right into winter!  The same thing happened earlier in the year when we went from winter directly into summer.  The good news is we are getting some rain, tho we are still in the drought.  At least things are wet enough so we're not so worried about fires. 

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Into The Pantry

 Monday night we received notices on our phones that we were under a tornado warning.  It was about 9:00.  We grabbed the dogs, a couple chairs, the flashlight, and closed the door to the pantry (our storm shelter).  Thankfully the tornado pooped out west of us.  This is the third tornado that's been in our area since spring!  NO one was hurt with this storm but lots of trees down and roof damage.  Although we got a only a little over half an inch of rain, we are thankful for every bit of it.  We are expecting more storms tonight and tomorrow.  Our drought continues, so any rain we get, we're thankful for.  

With the cooler temperatures, we're seeing lots and lots of deer.  Bow season has started and regular hunting begins Nov 1st.  As much as I love the deer, we could use some harvesting to keep the population healthy.

Surprisingly the post oak trees have produced acorns this year.  This is the first time since we bought the place that they've produced.  They are rascals to grow but I'd like to have some success.  We lost quite a few trees from drought and construction.

Beginning to collect stuff for the holiday baking and meals.  Peg also plans to run up to Dallas to pick up items we just can't get here.  I suppose we could go to Austin to find what we are missing, but Dallas is "known" territory and there is no anxiety finding anything we need (we won't get lost).  

Thursday, October 13, 2022

More News From Brownie and The Twins

As I said in my last post, Brownie and the twins, Fred and Ethel, were reunited briefly so everyone could receive routine treatment by the Vet.  Of course Brownie and the twins loved having the time together.  There was a lot of communication between the twins and their mama at feeding times and when one or the other were separated.  All of that was very touching and sweet.  Unfortunately, there were some not so good behaviors going on.  Yep, Brownie started letting the twins nurse again.  Even though it had been 30+ days since we started their weening, the twins started again.  Now the question is, were they getting any milk from Brownie?  I don't now, but over course of the 2-3 days everyone was together, there were many sightings of the twins nursing or trying to nurse.

Once the Vet visit was over, we separated mamas from babies again.  For the next couple of days, Brownie, Fred and Ethel called and cried for each other.  It was like we were starting the weening process all over again!  I am always touched by the amount of affection shown by each little cow family.  However, Brownie's little group seems to be the closest probably because of the amount of effort Brownie made so Fred and Ethel would survive. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022


Finally we are experiencing some real lasting relief from the summer's heat!  Morning temperatures are in the low sixties and afternoons are in the high 80s to low 90s.  The humidity is low also which makes being outside pleasant.

The Vet comes Saturday morning to give everyone their "pour-on" treatment.  The heifers will get their bangs vaccinations and the babies, from May, will get their baby shots.  We have everyone, except the bull, up in the pasture by the house to facilitate the Vet doings.  This morning I was watching Brownie, who had Fred and Ethel last spring, enjoy some time together.  She was licking them and "pressing the flesh."  (Fred and Ethel were separated from her back in August to get weened.)  So she was enjoying time with both and they were happy to be with her.  BUT what is funny is she looked at me and started mooing and mooing as if to say, "thank you for letting us be together and aren't they the cutest?"  I am still so impressed with her mothering skills!

Have all the grandkids here this weekend.  I think they'll have a great time riding around and playing outside as the weather will be tolerable.  

The hummers are still passing through, tho I only see one or two per day.  They drop in for a quick drink, then move on...  I have also seen a flock of ducks fly by.  Hope to see the sandhill cranes soon, as they are my favorites.  I'm surprised the scissor-tailed flycatchers are still around.  Hopefully they'll move on soon. 

We are hoping for more rain and there is some worry about grass fires.  

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Update On All Things At The Ranch

 Still no photos...

The really big news here is we've gotten some rain!!!!  In the last two days, we've had about three inches of the wonderful stuff.  We also received about an inch a week or so ago.  So the grass is starting to green up again, the tank has filled up about eight inches, and the temperatures have moderated to 85-95 degrees.  The dust has settled and mud is every where.  BUT we'll take it!!!

We will start feeding the mamas in the evenings again in anticipation of birthing babies which may begin in early October.  This change in feeding times will no doubt cause some confusion.  They'll catch on and there will be NO no shows at feeding time.

The second set of twins has been moved into the pasture by the house to start their weening process.  Both Fred and Ethel have been very vocal about being separated from their mom, Brownie.  Brownie has been front and center reassuring them along the fence line.  I have to say her mothering skills have been fantastic raising these two calves.  

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Latest News

Sorry I have not resolved my camera software issues so until I do, there will be no pictures...

Took six steers and Tippy to the sale barn Friday.  Basically the steers did okay, but Tippy, an open heifer, sold like she was going into the food chain.  I am hopeful someone just seized an opportunity and she will go to a ranch and be a mama.  

The drought continues.  No rain in a couple months and the afternoon temps have been above 100 for over 40+ days.  The water level on the tank/pond continues to go down.  It didn't dry up during the 2011 drought, so we are hoping not to run out of water this year.  The pundits are saying it'll be October before the weather improves.  We are still praying and dancing for a hurricane!  

The swallows have left so we can reclaim our back porch.  I miss not being able so sit out there, but during nesting it's impossible---the mess is terrible.  

We bought 30 bales of corn stalk silage because we didn't get a second hay cutting.  Also, we are already feeding everyone bales which typically we don't start until the end of September.  Hope we have enough to get us through...

With the water situation becoming questionable, the bale feeding ramping up, and the wildfire danger increasing, we have cancelled our vacation plans.  We need to be here if there is a problem.  I am okay with the change as this is a priority.  


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Weening Has Begun

The babies born in December and January have been separated from their mamas.  We endured a couple days of almost constant crying from both mamas and babies to only a few mournful bellows when one or the other sees each other.  I know I've said this before, but it is amazing to see the growth in independence in very short order on the part of the babies.  I know that's one of the goals, but it's neat to see it.  Of course I had some pictures to document this occasion, but the software for my camera has changed yet again.  I don't do technological changes very well, so I'm unsure when I'll have those pictures.

I do have this picture of a dead painted bunting, one of my favorite birds.  I think it hit the window and died.  They are beautiful even in death...

This summer seems to be shaping up into a very hot and dry one.  We are doing our rain dances and also praying for Mother Nature to unleash a strategic, yet rainy hurricane on central Texas.  Otherwise, it could get tough for everyone.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Finally ... Red Had Her Baby!!!!

 As we scanned the pasture, we could see that Red had given birth, but we were looking at the baby to her right and a little behind her.  When we arrived, we followed her nose to the baby hidden in the grass.  Naturally we thought she had had twins.  As time passed and we didn't see the second baby day after day, we went back to the pictures we had in our phones and realized Hershey was "photo bombing" the pictures.  Apparently Red was babysitting Hershey for Raquel.  To date, Lucky, is doing well and often naps near Hershey.

So the count on calves with this years' birthing are 14.  All the mamas have given birth successfully and Valentino has been doing his job as nature warrants.  

Calfie has been to the Vet to get her hooves trimmed and repaired.  She was suffering with claw-foot.  Her back hooves looked like she was wearing elf slippers.  She is walking better and appears to be in less pain.  Hopefully after her next Vet visit, she'll be allowed to return to the herd.

We had our first cutting of hay and got a total of 81 bales.  Not as good as last year, but given the dry conditions, we'll take it.   

Summer is settling in and most days are now hot.  The snakes are out and the birds are raising their young.  Baby hummers have made their way to the hummingbird feeder for the first time.  After a little fumbling and tumbling in their landings, each appeared to "fill up."  I always feel lucky when I am watching when this yearly event occurs!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Good News

Lots of good news...  Brownie and her babies, Fred and Ethel, are doing nicely.  The twins have their own pace and move their day a little behind everyone else.  BUT they have made it, which was a question at the back of our minds.  They stick to each other like glue, so if you see one, the other is close by.

 Also Raquel decided she had gone long enough without giving birth.  Hershey, a boy, arrived yesterday morning.  He managed to elude the Vet's sonogram by hiding behind Raquel's bladder.  He is doing well.

You have to think Raquel has one heck of a large bladder!

Last years heifers are heading to auction on Friday for Saturday's sale.  WE are hopeful for lots of buyers, high bids, and much success!

The generator has been installed.  In theory we are ready for a disaster! 

The crops are in the ground and we are seeing tomatoes, green peppers, radishes, etc.  So far the raccoons are in just their planning meetings for their yearly corn harvest.  Peg, the optimist, is looking forward to her own harvest.

Peg has started picking wild blackberries.  If she can beat the deer, we might get a cobbler out of her work.  BUT, took this picture down at the tank yesterday and saw two other snakes latter in the afternoon.  I think all were rat snakes, but the "bad" ones are out there.  Peg needs to be wearing her snake boots!!!

Sorry to report I have no storm pictures as promised....

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tornadoes and Spring

Last week we had a tornado touch down about a mile from us.  It tore up trees, fences, barns, etc. but it no one was hurt or killed.  The Carlson's appeared to take the brunt of the damage.  In fact, for reasons only God understands, Mike's sister-in-law's house was leveled from the same storm at Granger Lake.  Again, no one was hurt or killed.

I have pictures but I can't get to them. 

Everything is budding out and the birds are singing!  The hummers, swifts, scissor tails, and Purple Martins have returned.  So far no Martins have chosen to take up residence in the Martin House.  The garden, as small as it is, is planted.  Peg's corn has come up indicating that the raccoons have decided to wait for cobs instead of going after the limited corn seeds. 

I will work on storm pictures so stay tuned!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Another Set Of Twins


Brownie gave birth and it was twins!!!  This is our second set this year!  Fred and Ethel were born on a terrible wintery day.  There was ice everywhere and we could not get Brownie out of the big pasture into the smaller one.  So we went with "giving it to nature."  Thankfully Brownie is a great mom and ten days later, both babies are doing well.  But even with the nice weather we're having now, they are a worry.  Brownie goes about her herd behaviors and it is up to the twins to keep up.  They've had a tough time doing that and we have had to go out, find the missing baby, and reunite the family.  I'm confident Brownie would do it herself, but we get worried when the family is not all together.  Yesterday we spent a total of 2+ hours looking for Ethel without any luck.  We gave up at dark and this morning Ethel was with her mama and Fred.  So much for being caretakers....

When we took these two pictures, Brownie kind of pushed both babies forward.  She wanted us to see her beautiful babies!  Moms are all alike!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Game Cam Visitors

Finally Peg went through the game cams to see what was going on.  With the new super charged batteries we found,  one cam had over 14,000 pictures.  I'll not bore you with all of those results!!!  But here are a few of the more interesting pictures...

Gray Fox



Denton and Zeek

Zeek and Bo (after she was sprayed by the skunk and trying to clean off her face)

Fox?  OR  Coyote?

New Driver with teacher

Teacher with new driver

Coyote?  OR  Fox?

Two more of the grandkids turned 10 in 2021.  Now they can "legally" drive the Polaris. 

 A couple of pictures of the skunk Bo got sprayed by.  It's been awful for her and us.  Even today, if the wind is just right, she is wet in the right spots, and is at just the perfect distance from you, she still stinks.  

A picture of Denton, our new dog.  We are waiting on taking possession.  

We are still hoping to get the picture of the "big" cat!!!  The bobcat picture isn't bad...

Thursday, January 6, 2022


Sweetie had twins!  Our best and most protective mama now is busier than ever.  We separated mama and twins for a few days to make sure they all bonded well and the babies were a little bigger and stronger.  Now they are back together with the herd.  We named them after a friend of Peg's.  Joan and Maxine seem like they are cut from the same cloth by exhibiting their lust for life, bouncy nature, and overall happy spirits.

To date, we have seven cows who've produced eight babies.  We're waiting on the last five, 2-3 may not birth until at least March.