Monday, November 22, 2021


 When we bought Sweetie as part of our original herd, she was the mama who was the babysitter for all the babies, hence her name Sweetie.  As time has past, we realized she had her horns "removed" in a very unpleasant procedure.  We think it tainted her personality in ways we can only imagine.  She is the most protective of her babies, more aggressive than the other mamas, and basically an all round b****.  

We separated the last of the babies for weening about six weeks ago and included Sweetie because she was limping badly.  The Vet was scheduled for the last baby shots and it was a good time to see what was causing Sweetie's gait problems.  Well there was nothing the Vet could see and we were noticing that Sweetie was slowly improving.  Last night, after feeding everyone, we decided to put Sweetie back with the herd.  We let her into "the trap" listening and watching as she galloped, snorting, and bellowing toward the rest of the herd. The rest of the herd ran towards her and everyone pushed and shoved their way toward the "in coming" Sweetie.  There was a lot of head butting, side swiping, and chasing as Sweetie rejoined her group.  We are unsure if they were happy to see her or just wanted her to know they were not going to put up with any of her S***!  

This morning all seems calm and serene as all the girls go about the day grazing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 After a dry August and early September, we've had about 6 inches of rain.  Our apple tree couldn't believe the bounty of moisture and has been blooming.  We are about 1-3 weeks away from a frost, so think the blossoms are doomed.  This poor tree was leafing out when the February winter storms hit.  It was covered in ice and a few of the more tender limbs died.  With the rains of late spring and warmth, it recovered. Now it feels like procreating....

Nature is tough...