Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Big Guys


The does and fawns usually come in to feed before the big boys arrive.  I have seen as many as nine of these bucks feeding at onetime.  It will be interesting to see how many survive "the harvest."

Monday, October 5, 2020

Deer Feeder


We have set up the automatic deer feeder for another year of viewing pleasure.  Besides the usual groups of doe with babies, we've got these two "big boys!"  More pictures coming as they become available.

Valentino's Very Bad, Not So Very Good Morning

Valentino didn't show up for morning cubes the other morning.  Went out in search of him and discovered he had gotten himself into a bit of a "pickle."  We ended up removing a few of the nuts that hold the hay ring together to "spring" him loose.  He got himself caught again a couple days later.  Not sure what his thinking is ...