Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sad News

Remember that beautiful little fawn pictured below?  Well, we found some "remains" yesterday that suggest it is dead.  I think the cows found it and attacked it as a threat, killing it.  We had let the cows into the "Wild Pasture" so they could eat different stuff like native grasses and forbes.  The fawn's mama could not fight off an attack by several 1000 pound cow mamas who are very protective of their babies.  RIP little guy!!

On a brighter note, the cows are settling in to summer.  The babies are growing and seven have been separated and are going through weaning.  The rest of the babies are with their mamas being cared for as only a mama cow can.

Here is Stormy getting a quick bath from her mama, Raquel.  Baby Spring is on the bottom left in the picture.  This particular week we enjoyed temps in the 80s with very little humidity.  The cows were up moving around during the day enjoying the cooler weather instead of bedding down under the trees in the oak grove.  We are back to normal temps now in the high 90s.