Thursday, December 17, 2020

December Doings

We have been busy this month.  Although we had spoken with our builder about a new shed for the cows back in June, he's been so busy that he just got to it.  It's half again as big as the one we built a couple years ago.  It should offer some protection from the sun and harsh weather for most, if not all of the cows at the same time.  So far it's just a "thing" to go look at but they'll figure out what's it's for eventually.


We've been feeding the girls in the wild pasture beginning with construction of the shed.  They have settled into a routine of napping and sunnying in the afternoons.  Here they are....


Valentino has been separated from the girls because we put the heifers back in with their moms after several months of weening.  It's a good opportunity for them to learn some life skills from their moms before they are sold in a few months.  Valentino, who usually does his own thing and separates from the girls as often as he can when he's with them in the same pasture, now follows them along the fence line to keep track of everyone.  These are his girls after all!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Digging A New Tank

We have put off any new water options for years because we really didn't know what we would need and what might be possible.  Finally found someone to dig out an old tank in the "wild pasture" that we hope will provide for some watering needs.  Tanks are easier than repeatedly filling up metal storage containers.  Now just waiting for a couple big storms to see if our efforts are successful.  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Big Guys


The does and fawns usually come in to feed before the big boys arrive.  I have seen as many as nine of these bucks feeding at onetime.  It will be interesting to see how many survive "the harvest."

Monday, October 5, 2020

Deer Feeder


We have set up the automatic deer feeder for another year of viewing pleasure.  Besides the usual groups of doe with babies, we've got these two "big boys!"  More pictures coming as they become available.

Valentino's Very Bad, Not So Very Good Morning

Valentino didn't show up for morning cubes the other morning.  Went out in search of him and discovered he had gotten himself into a bit of a "pickle."  We ended up removing a few of the nuts that hold the hay ring together to "spring" him loose.  He got himself caught again a couple days later.  Not sure what his thinking is ...

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Comings And Goings At The Trough

 During these hot summer days, there is always some activity at the troughs.  It's a cool place for a dip, to get a drink, or to meet up with herd members.

Amazingly, we had a few cool mornings where everyone was up with the sun to take advantage of the cool before the days heat set in.

The big news here is we took the steers to the sale barn.  It is always hard to say goodbye and to not think of what is ahead for them.  The focus now is on growing the heifers for future sales. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"If A Tree Falls In..."

One of our dead Post Oaks fell over sometime during the night.  We are still loosing trees from the drought five years ago.  This oak is the latest victim.

Thankfully the cows were not around when it fell over!  They were all curious enough when they discovered the tree down and the fence was damaged.

Our neighbor has equipment to make cleanup fairly easy.  Everything was picked up and fixed in a matter of hours.

Peg has "retired."  Her drive to and from Dallas every weekend is done.  She has taken an accounting position in Salado.  She looks forward to shorter hours, less stress, and a country lifestyle.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sad News

Remember that beautiful little fawn pictured below?  Well, we found some "remains" yesterday that suggest it is dead.  I think the cows found it and attacked it as a threat, killing it.  We had let the cows into the "Wild Pasture" so they could eat different stuff like native grasses and forbes.  The fawn's mama could not fight off an attack by several 1000 pound cow mamas who are very protective of their babies.  RIP little guy!!

On a brighter note, the cows are settling in to summer.  The babies are growing and seven have been separated and are going through weaning.  The rest of the babies are with their mamas being cared for as only a mama cow can.

Here is Stormy getting a quick bath from her mama, Raquel.  Baby Spring is on the bottom left in the picture.  This particular week we enjoyed temps in the 80s with very little humidity.  The cows were up moving around during the day enjoying the cooler weather instead of bedding down under the trees in the oak grove.  We are back to normal temps now in the high 90s. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Peg and I were out "treating" ant hills and a mama deer jumped up in front of us and ran off.  I said to Peg there is probably a baby hidden right around here in the grass.  I slowed the buggy and we continued forward about ten feet and found this little guy.

Truly a beautiful picture!!  Babies are always the cutest!  We'll see him/her around for the next few years. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020


We finished up quarantining, passed through Phase I of reopening, and are now enjoying Phase II.  Frankly, dealing with all of this isolation is for the birds!  I must say that had we been in a town or city, all of this could have been horrible.  Luckily we enjoy large spaces and distances so it has been okay.
News from the farm includes the birth of Brownie's baby heifer, Spring.  Seriously, everyone else gave birth 4-6 weeks ago!!!!!

 Here is Spring just a couple hours after birth.  Brownie has hidden her so she could go enjoy some cubes for breakfast without the hassle of tending to a newborn.

 What is Peg pulling?  Peg is not pulling anything; Zeek is pulling her.  After her knee replacement in October, she has not walked the dogs.  While here on quarantine, she hooked up the leash and started walking the dogs, or should I say they are back walking her.

A typical day includes several spins in the buggy.  Both dogs are totally into it! 

Hope you and yours are well; take care!

Friday, May 1, 2020


Bridle, Brianna, White Face, and Lucky

Our first four heifers born during January thru March 2019 head to the sale barn in a week.  I watched everyone of them grow up.  I interacted with each of them and their mamas from just minutes after their births.  I am hopeful each will become a mama themselves!  I wish them luck and a good life!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Welcome BO!

Yes, we have acquired another dog.  Her name is BO.  We've had our eye on her for a couple years and finally we were able to make the adoption final.

She's kind of camera shy so taking a picture has been challenging.  I finally decided to use her "commands" to get her to stay still.  "Sit and stay" worked. 
BO always has a wagging tail and a toy in her mouth.  She's a real "people person" so she follows us everywhere.  I don't think there is a happier dog in the world!  Welcome home BO!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

RIP Belle

We lost Belle (and her little baby heifer) recently.  No one is sure what happened, but after a difficult time in the birthing process resulting in her baby being born dead, she also died.  Belle was sweet and and eager to participate in all cow and ranch related activities.  We miss her and her baby...

Snow In Central Texas 2020

We had some snow fall recently.  It was a bit of a surprise, but we'll take it.

This was a "first snow" event for all the cows!  Their hunger was more important than exploring what covered their grass.

We got some much needed moisture and a few pictures out of the rare weather event. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Deer Feeder

Visitors to the deer feeder include but are not limited to those caught below...

Valentino waits for the timer to go off and enjoys a small snack!  He is aware that his actions are being recorded.  So he goes by the camera and beats it up.

So far, the camera has proved to be rugged enough to withstand the abuse! 
Yes, the deer are coming by also. 

Monday, January 6, 2020

Hanging Out

Sunday was a beautiful day.  Sunny and warm (about 62 degrees); perfect for soaking up the rays!  Valentino was keeping tract of the babies at the fence line; just hoping for some "action."  The babies, for their part were oblivious and were just hanging, watching their mamas a short distance away.

The mamas were also enjoying the sun.  When there is a wind, they like to go as far upwind as they can so the bothersome flies have to work extra hard to stay on them.  Mostly everyone was just enjoying the cool wind and sunshine.

As I rode by the tank, a small group of ducks took "off."  They had apparently been joining the rest of us soaking up the rays.