Tuesday, August 6, 2019

New Jenny Craig Members

Yes, we have three cows who've joined the program-unwillingly.  Big Mama, Vivian, and Raquel have all been signed up. They give new meaning to the phrase "fat as a cow."  Until we can get them into their own separate area, everyone is participating. 

Before Pictures: (after "glamour" shots to be included in the future)

 Big Mama



The good news is they can eat as much grass as they want!  

Monday, August 5, 2019


Valentino is better off than most males; he has a harem of ten cows and no competition.  That's all well and good until he sees something/someone on the other side of the fence (the grass is always greener...).  The babies we are weaning are starting to "cycle."  Valentino is totally focused on an opportunity, however remote.  This morning he spent hours calling to the babies and trotting up and down the fence line.  At least for the moment, the babies are oblivious to his attention...