Monday, May 20, 2019

#4 and #5

Our newest members, #4 and #5, have officially joined the herd.  They received their ear tags, final baby shots, and #4 was examined to determine that his castration was successful. 



I would like to say all has gone smoothly, but I'd be lying.  Sweetie, #4's mother, has been very protective!  On at least three occasions she has gone after Peg.  All three charging attempts were understandable.  The first time Peg roped #4, who was only four days old.  The next time was a few minutes later when Peg attempted to "push" #4 and Sweetie toward the corral.  Finally, a couple weeks later we were in the pasture watching the group and Zeek started acting like he wanted to play/chase #4.  He was nursing at the time and Sweetie, after a couple warning snorts, went after Zeek and Peg.  I think Sweetie was justified in her aggression.  Hard to fault a mama protecting her baby!  However, it does point to the fact that we are working with large, potentially dangerous animals, not house pets.  Lessons are being learned!!!