Sunday, December 15, 2019

Game Cam Captures

We have the game cams up and running again.  The usual visitors...


We are hoping to capture that elusive Mountain Lion...  Just like us, the neighbors have seen one or their signs. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019


We have been at the tail end of our quarterly pest treatment.  The weather has been cool to cold and very dry.  So the scorpions have been attempting to take over the house.  A couple nights ago, I killed 14 in a few hours.  I found this guy in my bathtub.  Pretty nasty!!

Before the pest guy came, I was lucky to fine this rascal who I named Spike.  I wanted him to make sure he understood these were the beasts that were attempting to take over my house.  Spike met his maker shortly after this picture was taken.

We got sprayed and dusted.  I am confident that I won the battle, but the war goes on...


Fall is one of my favorite times of year.  Really, I just love any season but summer!  We have a number of "baby" trees including our red oaks.  They are spectacular this year due to our early hard freeze and dry weather.

The cedar elms are trying to be as beautiful, but fall short.  On the other hand, there are many more of them than the oaks. 

I love the color and the temperatures in the 60s and 70s.  Happy fall!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2019


Raquel has rejoined the herd.  Though not perfect, she is now able to keep up with the girls and is happy to have adult cow conversations again.

                                The girls enjoying some afternoon rest and contemplation. 


The heifers and our one steer received their final shots this week.  They can't be sold or slaughtered now for sixty days.  We are hopeful they will have new owners at the end of this period.  The four heifers have a bright future raising their own babies.
Finally summer seems to have given way to fall.  Tho the pictures below look like winter snow, it is just a very heavy frost from a couple of mornings ago.  The temperature was 25 degrees!  Ah, the best time of year!

If I had put out a pumpkin, there would have been frost on it!  Happy fall!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Raquel Is In Rehab

Poor Raquel is in rehab.  We aren't sure what happened, but she started limping very badly and we separated her from the rest of the girls.  By restricting her moving about, we are seeing improvement with her gait.  She is in the small pasture with the weening babies.  Raquel hopes to rejoin "the herd" in the next ten days or so.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Valentino Update

Valentino has made a nice adjustment to his life here.  He hangs with the girls when it suits him.  Since he apparently feels little responsibility to do anything except what he wants to do, he is often  by himself.

His favorite hang out spot is in the trees down from the house.  It is halfway between where the girls are spending their time and where the babies are being weened.  This location also allows him to stay cool while he also watches for any activity in a nearby adjoining pasture.  As the potential "mates" cycle, he is ever ready to "perform."

He is often walking along the fence lines hoping for a break in the wires....

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

New Jenny Craig Members

Yes, we have three cows who've joined the program-unwillingly.  Big Mama, Vivian, and Raquel have all been signed up. They give new meaning to the phrase "fat as a cow."  Until we can get them into their own separate area, everyone is participating. 

Before Pictures: (after "glamour" shots to be included in the future)

 Big Mama



The good news is they can eat as much grass as they want!  

Monday, August 5, 2019


Valentino is better off than most males; he has a harem of ten cows and no competition.  That's all well and good until he sees something/someone on the other side of the fence (the grass is always greener...).  The babies we are weaning are starting to "cycle."  Valentino is totally focused on an opportunity, however remote.  This morning he spent hours calling to the babies and trotting up and down the fence line.  At least for the moment, the babies are oblivious to his attention...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


It's terribly hot these days, but typical of summer.  Talked to a neighbor this morning and he said the snakes were on the move looking for cool places to hide.  He killed a rattlesnake that was between 2 and 3 feet long. 
Calves are slowly growing more independent, tho at least one mama is still calling her baby to nurse through the fence. 
We're fixing to have a few bits of fencing built:  around the bales and an area to help with sorting activities. 
The birds have fledged their first round of babies and it looks like another round of babies for a couple of species.
When the mama hummers brought in their babies to the feeders a couple of weeks ago, it was like watching Peanuts' Woodstock with the landings they were making.  Very entertaining!!!
The fallow deer has moved into the pasture it seems.  Know she's lonely but is spending her time hanging out with the cows.  She has plenty of grass and water so I think she'll be okay for now.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


It's weaning time again.  #1, #2, and #3 have been separated from their mamas.  On the one hand the mamas are happy; but when their teats start to hurt from the milk that is not being consumed,  it's a different story.  The babies like the lazy convenience of food "on demand." 

The goal is for the babies to learn to take care of themselves.  It's a process all benefit from...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Morning Buffet

Every morning we "cube" everyone.  We set up the buffet tables and the chaos of feeding ensues.  All love having the goodies and it gives us an opportunity to see how everyone is doing. 

then everyone mills around the water trough chatting.  It a good way to begin the day.

Stock Shed

The building of our stock shed:

We are now ready for weening and any extreme weather situations.  Hopefully the "Tax Man" won't see this...

Monday, May 20, 2019

#4 and #5

Our newest members, #4 and #5, have officially joined the herd.  They received their ear tags, final baby shots, and #4 was examined to determine that his castration was successful. 



I would like to say all has gone smoothly, but I'd be lying.  Sweetie, #4's mother, has been very protective!  On at least three occasions she has gone after Peg.  All three charging attempts were understandable.  The first time Peg roped #4, who was only four days old.  The next time was a few minutes later when Peg attempted to "push" #4 and Sweetie toward the corral.  Finally, a couple weeks later we were in the pasture watching the group and Zeek started acting like he wanted to play/chase #4.  He was nursing at the time and Sweetie, after a couple warning snorts, went after Zeek and Peg.  I think Sweetie was justified in her aggression.  Hard to fault a mama protecting her baby!  However, it does point to the fact that we are working with large, potentially dangerous animals, not house pets.  Lessons are being learned!!!