Weaning our baby calves off their mamas has been and continues to be an adventure. The babies get fed "creep" twice a day. They all have clocks it seems and show up for meals on time. After their meal, they are hand fed "cubes" which are like giant rabbit pellets. They love them!
The mamas are within sight view with a fence between them and the babies. We survived the crying from both sides at separation.
The babies had no trees/shade on their side of the fence so we bought a "Weaning Tent." The first big winds we had, blew it down.
The repairs have been made and planning is in the works for something more substantial for the future.
We are three weeks out from the separation and the babies are doing well. They have daily routines and say "Hi" to their mamas but are independent now from them.
The mamas are getting to "know" Ferdinand better. We are hopeful he will be the "baby daddy" for next springs crop of babies.