Thursday, December 28, 2017

Partying At The Feeder

Bandit and his group of partying raccoons continue to enjoy the bounty at the feeder!  Everyone benefits from his climbing skills and showmanship!

The deer who are more reserved and dignified, are staying away from the raucous atmosphere!  I thought this was a DEER FEEDER! 

Thursday, December 7, 2017


We have a nice collection of Visitors at the feeders.  Amazingly they even seem to tolerate each other to a degree...

Then those with less than honorable intentions show up...

The "table" empties pretty fast!!!  I have to say, that I am tickled that we have these rascals around.  If they take down one of their "meat sources" occasionally, I can live with that.
We still are waiting for our big "capture," the elusive cougar!  When we get it, we'll post it