Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Midnight Swim Gone Very Bad

We fill this bucket with water so the dogs have fresh water after their walk and we are hanging out on the back porch.  Apparently it is being used by others...  The photo gives new meaning to never swimming alone for safety reasons...

Latest Arrivals

As I mentioned in a previous post, I didn't have pictures of the latest babies.  Here they are!



Both are adorable and because they are two weeks younger than the other calves, they have the same sleeping schedule.  I often see these two babies sleeping next to each other.  Very sweet picture.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Out and about in the pasture and came across a couple of visitors.  These yellow-headed blackbirds are usually seen further north.  I've always seen them in the rockies.

This daddy and mama are probably just visiting their southern relatives before heading north to raise some babies.  Notice the white spot on the male.  Only the males have the white spot on their wings.


The babies are together more and more.  During the cool mornings they chase and run around together.  Once pooped out, the babies lay down and one or more moms watch them while the herd grazes at a distance.  What is so amazing to me is how big each has gotten.  I think they've doubled in size since their births two weeks ago.  "Got Milk!"

Tip with Flash behind her




Stretch getting a drink from his mom, Bandit.

What a pretty face!


A day after these pictures were taken, Blaze and Misty were born.  I am enjoying watching these little guys!