Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Babies Launched!

We planted a bunch of baby trees yesterday.  The last group we planted, we kept in pots for two years.  I thought we lost most of that first group the second year because we kept them in the pots too long.  This group was planted in the pasture in what we hope are somewhat protected spots tho not so protected that they will miss out on sun and water.  So far the cows have not bothered them.

 Bur Oak

Bur Oak 

Red Oak

Who knows how these babies will fare...  My dream is to look out in the pasture some fall in the future and see the colored leaves of the trees we planted.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Late Afternoon Nap Time

Just got the Go-buggy back from its yearly checkup today.  I wanted to go check on the baby cows who I hadn't seen in a week.  I found them behind a little rise snoozing.  All of their heads popped up and their ears cocked forward as I neared.  The look I got from the mamas watching them was, "Please go away, we just got them down!"