Sunday, October 30, 2016


You can say a lot of things about Beulah, but killer would not be a term you would use.  After finding a baby bunny, she carefully brought it into the house for a bit of cleanup.  Let's just say the bunny was not thrilled and may have needed a bit of heavy handed redirecting which resulted in it meeting its "Maker."

Unfortunately, all of this took place on my bed!  What a mess!  Beulah was unhappy that it ended as it did with a dead bunny when all she was trying to do was clean the critter up!

More Feeder Troubles

The cows didn't get the memo that the deer feeder area is for the deer, not them!  So once again, after repairs were made and the feeders reloaded, the cows made a mess of things!

It is very discouraging!  They are so bad about it that when they hear the timer go off to spin out the corn, they come running.  The poor deer don't have a chance.

In the perfect world above, the deer feeders are for the deer!

Past Lives

In our past lives we had priorities that were, well, let's just say they are best kept in the past.
Unfortunately they bubbled up recently.  Both girls are paying the price or have paid the price for their recklessness!  How?  The consequence of smoking a Black Cat is expensive, etc., etc..  The rest is history...

Thank goodness for modern dentistry!  The smiles are man made!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Game Cam Pictures

The Game Cams have been snapping a lot of pictures of late...  Mostly of deer.  Peg has selected these pictures as worthy of being highlighted.

This one is noteworthy because it shows that the deer are learning to eat out of the protein feeder.

This guy is a "regular" and probably the biggest buck we've seen so far.

Finally, the next generation is represented by this little guy!  Alert and smiling for the camera.