Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Buzz Around The Feeder

There is daily activity around the deer feeder.  Some the kind we are looking for and some that is not really desired.

The deer are not relaxed yet and look ready to bolt.  They relax more as temps go down and their trips to the feeder increase.

As part of our routine doing ranch chores with the kids, we always find time to refill the feeder and make sure it is running correctly.

Finally it doesn't matter how well we discourage the cows, the feeder area is under constant assault from them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New Residents

I am heartbroken that the cows that were removed so the new fence could be built have not returned. These are our new renters.  All the babies look the same!  Some differences between mamas, but they look a lot alike too.  Red, the bull, did come back with this new group.

The Fence Is Done (pretty much)

The new fencing has pretty much been completed.  The corner by the pens is still left but time has run out for the builders and they've returned to farming.

It is so nice to see the cleaned space.  If you look back to a previous blog, you can see how over grown it was.

This is the fence line on the east side with the neighbors.  As in the other areas, we benefit from a cleaner look.

Mike said they got a little scared that they might run into the water lines.  Thank goodness they called and got those pipes located and disaster was avoided!

This is the fence/gate at the back of the pens.  Hopefully this will be completed soon.  The cows can't escape but the gate is in such bad condition, it is difficult to use.