Thursday, January 14, 2016


It has been fun to watch the developing friendship between the two youngest members of the herd. Snowflake and Foggie are adorable together.  Yesterday when I was working in the yard, I looked out into the pasture.  I could only see Snowflake and she was snoozing.  I watched and looked but could not see Foggie.  Finally Snowflake stood up and created a shadow, I thought, in the sunny pasture. The shadow was Foggie!  The two had taken a nap together side by side.  Both then "poked" over to their mamas for a snack.

The mamas "tag team" watching their youngsters.   Also, I got a "visual" on Foggie, and he is a boy.

Thought this was a cute picture of Snowflake as she was waking up from a nap.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bad Fight Or Bad Luck?

Not sure what happened to the other antler on this guy.  I think loosing it could have been pretty painful.  It may make impressing "the girls" a little harder!


I was headed out the other morning and met ADD on the road.  She was very curious and came close to check me out.

ADD's always been pretty bold and a free thinker.  She usually does what she wants, much to her mama's chagrin!

The other calves were hob-knobbing with the calves belonging to the neighbor.  It is very cute to see all the calves from both pastures meeting at the fence line.

The latest picture of Foggie shows him doing well.  He still does a lot of sleeping and eating.  He got himself in a bit of a jam this afternoon.  The tank has a small inlet feeding into it that is about 12 inches deep with water.  He and his mama were following the herd and somehow he ended up on the wrong side of the inlet.  Lots of mooing ensued from mama and baby until Foggie decided to cross through the water.  I was scared that it might be too deep, but he made it and all is well!  What a cutie!

Putting The Baby Trees In The Yard

We had planted a bunch of acorns a month or so ago.  Looking ahead we would need pots for them when they came up.  So we spent yesterday planting the babies from two years ago into the yard.

I planted about 100++ acorns into 30++ pots two years ago.  Only seven have survived and I was anxious to get them into the ground during this cold season.

This little live oak is sitting at  its new home awaiting planting.

 The buggy is ready to begin the task.

Here the little tree sits in its new home.  It may be small today, but I have great expectations for its future!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Have Everything?

Bet you don't have one of these babies!  Yep, this garden buggy was one of my Christmas presents.

I no longer have to bend over to work and harvest stuff from my garden.  It's a real joy!  The only challenge is the seat which is slick metal and when I'm seated, depending on my slack selection, I slip and slide all over it.  I think once the newness wears off, it'll be just fine.

Game Cams Are Working Again

I try not to include the same kinds of pictures all the time, and believe me we get the same kinds of pictures by the hundreds at the game cams.  This big boy looked right at the camera and said "cheese."

There are a bunch of ducks on the tank and eating some corn for breakfast.  The ducks are flying in and hanging out on the tanks these days.  It is very difficult to get close to them so I rely on the game cams.


This morning it was very foggy.  When the fog cleared and the sun came out, there was a new member of the herd.  I've named "him" Foggie.  He's only a few hours old and cute as all get out.  I am anxious to get to know him better.

It's birthing time and I love it!  Babies are the best!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The end of 2015 brought the arrival of a new member of the herd, Snowflake.

I'm not sure whether she is a little boy or little girl.  I'll call her a "her" for now.  As with all babies, she eats and sleeps a lot.  The other calves are very interested in her and will all surround her when she is a short distance from her mama.  This morning I watch the calves all together in a tight group, then they all took off in the direction of one of their mamas.  Snowflake was close behind and her mama was chasing after her.  It is very interesting that the calves hang together most of the time.