So we are leasing our pasture... Before we built our house we built a cattle guard to keep the cows out of the area where the house is located so we wouldn't have to mess with a gate. Good plan right? Well it has worked perfectly except that the calves figured out a design flaw and have taken advantage of it to the extreme. Here's the cattle guard:
Here is a side where the calves sneak through:
So I added some re-barb and wire in hopes of closing off the entry points.
I duck taped them first then added the wire.
So why all of this work to keep a few calves out? Well the little rascals get in then can't figure out how to get back with their mamas on the other side. For reasons unknown, it is easy to get in but impossible to get out for them. After a bit, the mamas start mooing for their babies and the babies start mooing for their mamas! All involved are upset! So I have to go out and try to herd the babies out a large gate at the end of our enclosed area. No one wants to be herded and all are crying and mooing! With any luck, after 30 minutes or so somehow I get the babies out and back with their mamas. BUT man is it work to do it! What I have done when I see all the cows munching and moving toward the area by the cattle guard, is hop in my car and go park on the cattle guard. When any of the calves come close, I honk my horn. I am tired of doing this, sometimes as often as twice a day. Now you know why I have blocked the open areas of the cattle guard. I hope it works.
I love the calves with their big brown gentle eyes and cute ears. However, they are always in trouble. I had to call their owner to come get one that had stuck his head through the V in a tree. Got his head stuck between two trees! See trees:
Yesterday's tree encounter with these trees.
Saturday's encounter with these trees.
What a sad state when a head gets stuck between the trees! Again mama is mooing and baby is mooing and thrashing about! I was glad I didn't have to wrestle with the little guy to get him out especially with a very unhappy mama nearby! This is the little guy who keeps getting into trouble. Looks like he's weathered it fairly well. He's too curious for his own good.
Again, I love these little babies but not so much that I want to be responsible for them myself!