Monday, November 10, 2014

The Grandchildren

For the last couple months we have not had the grandchildren by as we have been digging out from under boxes and trash.  Finally we have places for them to sleep, eat, kid cups, books, DVDs, etc.  We met the Cypress group in Brenham for a quick exchange with their other grandparents and brought them back to the farm for a long weekend.  They had not been to visit since before the house was finished and they asked a lot of questions about whether we had food, a frig., doors, etc.  Needless to say, they were relived to find a home with all the things "they" needed including Goldfish!
We told them that there were lots of farm chores to do including moving the Norfolk Pine tree up to the house.  Here we have a "tree holder attachment" as part of the wheelbarrow.  The "attachment" informed us it "was very prickly!"

Other farm activities included taking the dogs for a walk.  One walker had to be rescued halfway through the walk as her legs pooped out.
Probably the highlight of the weekend was having all four of the grandchildren at the house playing together.  Yes, they were playing together!  "Cousin let's play!" could be heard loudly and often with lots of giggling and some good old horsing around.  A grandmommy goal was satisfied!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


For the last week I have enjoyed a lovely sunset each evening from the porch.  They may last only 2-4 minutes but they have been wonderful!

The Hunt

Had a couple people ask me about how "the hunt" was going.  Well, it is with some sadness that I have to report that I caught one mouse, by the tail, in a rat trap.  It was totally horrible and I will not pass on the details as I am still suffering from PTSD.  I still had mice... So put out the smaller mouse traps, two of them.  Every morning I checked, and every morning they were sprung and empty!
 Whoever this little guy or guys were, they were smart and quick!  Numerous "experts" swore by the glue traps:
So I laid a couple of these out near the hole.  I woke up in the middle of the first night and realized that the mouse would be stuck and not dead and I would once again have to look the little guy in the eye in his misery!  Thankfully when I checked in the morning, I didn't catch anyone.  So I packed up my traps and have called it quits for now.